Friday, March 5, 2021


I got my vaccination.

I don't even have to tell you for what I bet you already know.

My appointment was for 9:30 but I was wide awake at 6. Can you say excited? I had about three hours to read the papers, shower, shave, and have coffee. All that was done by 6:30.

Finally 9 rolled around and I was off. Let me explain something, the distribution of shots will make you shake your head. I'm on three waiting lists-nada. It was our neighbor who told my wife about shots at our local church. That's how I found myself in it's quickly filling up parking lot. You were instructed to call and make an appointment, which I did, and to bring your drivers license to verify your age and I did that too.

The policeman at the front made me feel great. He looked at my license and asked, "Are you a front line worker or in health?" This old guy pointed out his age on said license, the guy said oh, and inside I went. I mention that he made me feel great because he didn't think I looked my age.


Inside was a room filled with chairs and it was filling up with people. I registered I was there, got a number, and waited. Before too long they called my number and up I went. The officer at my table couldn't have been nicer. He did say, "This first shot will protect you up to 75%." As I was rolling up my sleeve I was thinking I'm so there.

After a very short while the syringe was empty and I was heading to the waiting room. There you're under surveillance for about 15 minutes to make sure you don't have a bad reaction. I didn't and before you knew it I was in the car heading home.

I can barely describe the feeling knowing you have the vaccine in you. Wonderful, marvelous, safe, armor protecting you. I'm babbling but you get the picture.

I don't have to tell you how tough this Covid-19 has been. Turn on the news, read the newspapers, listen to the radio. Tough. It felt so good to know that the times they are a changing.

I'll still wear a mask, still wash my hands a lot, and still social distance.

They say the second shot can make you feel a bit upset.

Don't care.

The upside is way up. Protected.

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